Jordana and Rachel Bobbitt Cast Enchanting Spell Over Sold-out Voodoo Room

Last Thursday, the D.C.-born multi-instrumentalist Jordana continued her “Lively Premonition” tour by stopping at the highly regarded Voodoo Room. Coming from North Beach, Maryland, Jordana brings a soft sultry voice and an eccentrically humorous noodle to the stage that is refreshing and entertaining. Alongside the Nova Scotian native, Rachel Bobbitt, the pair cleanse the night with a mix of slow cathartic melodies and upbeat poppy tunes.

With Issac Tea on keys and bass, Justice Der on guitar, and Bobbitt on lead vocal and guitar, the trio creates a dreamy atmosphere that would carry itself through the night. Their most moving song “More”, had soft guitar chords and a moody keyboard background that helped set the mood for the violinist headliner Jordana.

Jordana brings a symphonic bedroom-pop style with charming storytelling and relatable affairs. Alongside herself, the band consists of Saguiv on bass, Blake on drums, Nick on keys, and Ian on guitar. Their music is shaped by Jordana’s ever-expanding musical influence ranging from, but not limited to, The Strokes to her favorite violinist Lindsey Stirling. But on Thursday, we were able to see a more folk side as she took the stage and played her latest album “Lively Premonition” front to back.

Performing beautiful and expressive songs like “The One I Knew“, Jordana is able to bring out the emotions and pull on our heartstrings. But then she gets the crowd moving and singing along in our vulnerable state with “Like A Dog” and “Raver Girl“. Jordana fittingly ends her album performance with “Your Story’s End“, a slow and somber track that resembles the final song in a masterful musical. As the album comes to an end, Jordana begins to shift into her encore set. She opens with a similar-sounding Steely Dan cover followed by her most popular piece of work Summer’s Over. After jokingly acknowledging why we’re “really here“, Jordana finishes the night with 3 songs from her TV Girl collaboration. But before ending the night with “Better in the Dark“, she gives the microphone to one predetermined audience member in the front. The audience member grabs the mic and nervously asks their date to prom. Jordana and the audience go wild with excitement as their date screams “YES” into the crowd! What a heart-warming end to a night filled with adoration and love.