Interview with the legendary Tim Pyles

We are incredibly honored to be joined today by Tim Pyles. Tim has over twenty five years experience in broadcast media, both radio and television. He has written, produced and hosted thousands of segments for radio and many for television. In addition, he has written for many local publications in San Diego during that time. As a long time supporter of the local music community, he has assisted thousands of bands throughout the years. We proudly recognize Tim as our Mayor of Local Music and consider him a huge inspiration for us here at ListenSD.

ListenSD: Thank you so much for taking time to do this interview! Talk to us a bit about Stomping Grounds.
Tim Pyles: Stomping Grounds, a show about local music from Orange County to Tijuana, but let’s be honest it’s mostly San Diego artists. Orange County is included because the show originates on KXFM out of Laguna Beach, a regional FM station heard in the immediate area, but can be streamed from anywhere in the world! It recently began airing on KNSJ in San Diego as well. It has a small signal with a transmitter in Descanso, but can be streamed worldwide.

LSD: Thank you so much again for your time, this has been such an honor!

Be sure to tune in to Stomping Grounds and Tim’s new music show FTP, here: