Photo and Review By: Lara McCaffrey

It was a busy night in San Diego: Queen Beyย at Qualcomm and Charles Bradley at the Observatory were the main focus for concertgoers. Los Angeles garage rocker sisters Jennifer and Jessie Clavin of Bleached didn’t have as big a draw but ListenSD can verify that they indeed rocked the Casbah.

No Parents, a pop/punk band also from Los Angeles, opened the show. They leaned more punk on the pop/punk spectrum, sometimes launching into full on hardcore. Their music had a bit of humor in it with songs titles like “Hey Grandma,” “Die Hippie Die” and “Cock Surfer.”

Bleached took the stage after No Parents. Jennifer and Jessie were joined by their touring band mates Micayla Grace (bass) and Nick Pillot (drums).

Bleached’s set started out a little mellow but they warmed up by the third song “Sleepwalking.” Singer Jennifer ditched her guitar and strutted around the stage. Eventually some mild moshing and crowd surfing ensued towards the end of the set.

Their set focused heavily on songs off their newest album Welcome The Worms. However, they played a few old favorites like “Dead in Your Head,” “Electric Chair” and “Searching Through the Past.” Bleached’s new album is a heavier sound than past efforts like Ride Your Heart but has some pop moments. Songs like “Sleepwalking” and “Keep On Keepin’ On” have a Sabbath vibe while “Chemical Air” and “Sour Candy” are catchy enough to sing along to.

A couple guys from No Parents hopped onstage for a few songs including cover of the Misfits’ “Hybrid Moments.” It was fun to see the camaraderie that developed between the two bands from their time touring together. The San Diego show was the last show No Parents would open for Bleached on this tour.

Overall, Bleached was a fun show and a great alternative to ditching your car on the I-15 trying to see Beyoncรฉ.
