Courtney Barnett at The Casbah

Seattle’s Crystal Skulls opened for Courtney Barnett last night at the Casbah bringing harmonic melodies that, if they weren’t played so perfectly might be called ‘garage’ rock/pop. Great guitar playing and catchy songs endeared them to the audien... Read More...

Top 5 Tuesday: Prayers

Prayers SD Killwave is taking over San Diego one show at a time. We chatted with Dave & Rafa and found out what they are listening to. Check it out for our Top 5 Tuesday! Dave Parley's Top 5 1. Pet Shop Boys - Heart This song is how I fe... Read More...

Bujwah Presents: Wax Witches Day Party

SATURDAY! Don't miss out on this day party at The Bujwah Store with Wax Witches, The Cardielles, Shady Francos and Death Lens. It's sure to be a sweaty good time. RSVP here. WAX WITCHES 3:00pm - 3:30pm THE CARDIELLES 3:45pm - 4:15pm SHADY FR... Read More...