

Turnover, with Elvis Depressedly and Emma Ruth Rundle, played a incredible show to a packed Irenic.

Emma Ruth Rundle opened up the night with an incredible performance. Between the talented artist and her band, their sounds filled the room and set the stage for the rest of the night to come. Despite the full house, Rundle gave an intimate performance that made her music that much more impactful.

Next up was Elvis Depressedly. While the recordings of their songs certainly fit the slower, sweeter, melancholy connotation of their name, their live was set was much more energized– even urgent. The grand, and unexpected, finale came to a head when the band ripped into a instrumental section that bordered chaos and even found some of their members playing from the ground. True to rock fashion, heartfelt lyrics, pristine musicianship, and a sense of urgency blended perfectly for this North Carolina-based group.

Turnover, whose music seems to fit Fall feelings to a T, played a set filled with both new and classic fan favorites.

While some acts love to emphasize the performance aspect of a show, Turnover’s set was all about the music. Behind them, the band hung a a drape featuring the cover art and neon sign of their newest full-length, Good Nature.ย The musicians themselves didn’t have much stage lights on them. However, one could argue that it’s best to listen Turnover free of distraction, getting lost to the sweet melodies and to frontman Austin Getz’s mesmerizing vocals. Fans swayed and listened to their favorite tunes such as “Dizzy on the Comedown” and “Cutting My Own Fingers Off,” as well as newer tracks off the aforementioned album.

Be sure to check out Turnover’s new album, Good Nature!

Photos and Review By: Christine Heyne
