photo by Pooneh Ghana
The internal compass that wants to put things in a quick category and move on may be set awry when you first hear Post Animal. They break the mold by spanning decades with their pop melody meets psych rock jam band meets heavy rock sound and by having multiple lead singers manning the front line. It’s kinda weird, and it really works.
Whoever’s sitting in the driver or front passenger seat sort of decides. We just throw it on when the mood strikes usually. No themes really on this trip! Very eclectic though. Currently have heard Pink Floyd, Post Malone, and Frank Ocean today. It’s all over the place.
Have you ever been to San Diego before and do you have any expectations?
Yes! Played at the Soda Bar once before. I have been over 10 times because my sister lives there. It’s a very beautiful and chill city. Last year’s show was fun, so we hope the same for this one.
Who would be the dream band for Post Animal to tour with from the Past and from the Present?
Black Sabbath, hands down. Past and present.
There are so many of you standing out front and seemingly taking turns being the “Lead Guy.” Do you find people have a problem with this and feel like you are breaking any “rules of rock?” What’s your stance on this?
We don’t think about it. It’s just how it is. If anything, people are usually happy that we switch up who sings what. I think it’s refreshing. The voice is very unique, and everyone adds their own flavor to a song. There are truly no rules in music.
What makes you know you had a good show?
If we get off the stage and we’re smiling, sweating, and the people who came out are smiling and sweating, then it was a successful show.
What are you looking forward to most in the next year?
Just seeing how we grow as a band and as people. This musical journey has already been a blessing, so we’re grateful for everything we’ve encountered!
Zeppelin, Sabbath, Floyd or _____?
Sabbath and Floyd for sure. Metallica for Wes [Toledo]. Journey for Jake [Hirshland]. The Grateful Dead for Javi [Reyes]. The Beatles for everyone.