Jordana and Rachel Bobbitt Cast Enchanting Spell Over Sold-out Voodoo Room
Last Thursday, the D.C.-born multi-instrumentalist Jordana continued her "Lively... Read More...
Lettuce and GZA chilled out the crowd on a cold winter evening at The Sound.
On Wednesday January 22nd, the improvisational funk band Lettuce and legendary... Read More...
Metal Allegiance ignited the NAMM crowd with heavy metal at the House of Blues Anaheim.
On Thursday January 23rd, an all-star super group of heavy metal mu... Read More...
Social Distortion teased new music to a new generation of fans at The Observatory North Park.
On Sunday December 22nd legendary Southern California rock ba... Read More...
Buckethead put on a guitar shredding master class at The Music Box
On Tuesday December 10th, the masked virtuosic guitarist known as Buckethead, performed ... Read More...
The coronavirus pandemic has upended nightlife in San Diego for the past 8 months... but when this is all over you can be sure the party will be back with a ven... Read More...
2017 has been a beautiful year for music, and we wanted to celebrate it with you.
Our lovely team are making their picks for best albums and have compiled thei... Read More...
10. Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
Izzy Soto
Coloring Book is a golden crisp mix of spirituals and the goodness of what is sweet mainstream rap. The sig... Read More...
Young Thug
Three years after his breakthrough single, “Danny Glover,” or now re-titled “2 Bitches,” rap fans are still trying to wrap their heads around the r... Read More...
ListenSD Staff is giving you the skinny on who will blow your brains away for FYF Fest 2016!
Beach House
These are MUST-SEE acts at this year's Lightning In A Bottle 2016. This transformational festival has only been getting bigger and better since it's debut in 20... Read More...
15. Bjork - Vulnicura
Ryo Miyauchi
Bjork’s Vulnicura is, yes, a grueling break-up album but it’s also much more. She expands the heartbreaking moment of her l... Read More...