Local Obsession Night: Inspired and the Sleep, Tiger and the Teller, Wizzard Woes – August Review

ListenSD Local Obsession Night
Wizard Woes, Tiger and the Teller, and Inspired and the Sleep
U-31 | August 20, 2014

By: Aaron Turcios

What a night! August 20th’s Local Obsession night at U-31 was definitely not one to miss. Besides great acts, the event featured some amazing local artists with Balm in Gilead and Luis Gomez being my personal favorites. Tunes for the night were provided by three acts that are sure to make some noise and gain popularity quickly here in San Diego.

Wizard Woes started off the night with amazing energy and genuine stage presence. Their great use of synthesizers and warm beats definitely had me moving. I definitely enjoyed ‘Sheraine‘ which made me feel as though Kanye’s 808’s and Heartbreaks provided some inspiration while keeping that shoegaze vibe. This is definitely an act I look forward to seeing more from.

Are you still looking to fill that Drummer/DJ combo void left behind by Travis Barker and DJ AM? Let Tiger and the Teller fill the void. Their use of original beats and sharp vocals improves upon the model to satisfactory results. I couldn’t decide whether I enjoyed ‘The Food’ or ‘Savor’ more. Definitely check both tracks out.

Last, but certainly not least came Inspired and the Sleep. The crowd gravitated toward the stage when they came on and they certainly were not disappointed for doing so. Their version of psych-pop had everybody up and dancing & was that a girl on someone’s shoulders I saw? Inspired and the Sleep are definitely a must-watch band in San Diego. Looking for a place to start when listening to them? ‘Fly Low’ is a great place to start.

We hope to see you at our next Local Obsession Night! September 2nd at Soda Bar featuring Ed Ghost Tucker, Amerikan Bear and Hills Like Elephants. More info here.Β 

ListenSD August Local Obsession Night

